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At Gilbride Pharmacy, we understand the importance of contraception in women's healthcare. Our comprehensive range of contraceptive pills aims to empower you with choices that suit your needs and lifestyle. Whether you're considering the combined pill, low dose pill, or mini pill (progestogen-only pill), we're here to provide you with the information and services you need to make informed decisions about your sexual health.


Combined Pill

The combined contraceptive pill, available at Gilbride Pharmacy, is designed to modify your body's hormonal balance to effectively prevent pregnancy. This pill contains synthetic versions of the hormones progesterone and oestrogen. By temporarily halting ovulation and thinning the womb lining, it reduces the likelihood of fertilisation and attachment of an egg.

Our combined pill is a daily tablet, ensuring protection when taken consistently at the same time each day. When used correctly, it boasts an impressive 99% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. Please note that while it offers pregnancy protection, it does not safeguard against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). For complete safety, consider using condoms in conjunction with the combined pill.

Due to oestrogen's potential to elevate blood pressure, our pharmacists will conduct a free assessment of your blood pressure, height and weight in our private consultation rooms to ensure the suitability of the combined pill for you.


Low Dose Pill

Gilbride Pharmacy also offers the low dose pill, a combination contraceptive that includes both progesterone and oestrogen. This pill contains a reduced amount of oestrogen compared to standard combined contraceptive pills, helping to alleviate side effects like breast tenderness.

It's important to note that low dose pills may lead to a higher rate of irregular bleeding compared to regular pills, making them not suitable for everyone. Typically, they are preferred by older women, but they can be considered by individuals of all ages.

These pills work by inhibiting the release and fertilisation of eggs. The low dose pill, taken daily, offers protection in 99% of cases when used as directed. Similar to the combined pill, it's essential to consider blood pressure, height and weight checks to assess the safety of this contraceptive due to its oestrogen content.


Mini Pills (Progestogen-Only)

For those who cannot use contraceptives containing oestrogen due to factors such as previous blood clots, high blood pressure or being overweight, Gilbride Pharmacy offers the mini pill. This progestogen-only contraceptive is an ideal alternative.

The mini pill consists of only one hormone: progesterone. It must be taken at the same time daily, within a strict three-hour window. To ensure contraceptive protection, incorporate taking the mini pill into your daily routine or set alarms as a reminder. Additionally, using condoms is advised to prevent the transmission of STIs.

The mini pill functions by thickening cervical mucus, creating a barrier that makes it difficult for sperm to reach an egg. Some varieties of the mini pill also suppress ovulation. While irregular bleeding is a common initial side effect, it typically subsides within three months.

At Gilbride Pharmacy, we offer up to three months' supply of the mini pill without requiring a prescription. Simply consult with our pharmacist to access this convenient service.


Visit Us

Select Gilbride Pharmacy as your preferred healthcare provider for contraceptive options. Feel free to contact us via your local branch's page or simply drop in at your convenience.