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Premature ejaculation is a prevalent and distressing male sexual concern. It occurs when a man ejaculates too quickly, typically within two minutes of sexual contact. Over 30% of men encounter premature ejaculation at some point in their lives, leaving them unable to control or delay ejaculation. This condition is more common among men aged 18-35, where the average male latency time is only seven minutes.



The exact cause of premature ejaculation remains complex, encompassing psychological, physiological and environmental factors. This issue may be linked to emotional imbalances, stress, anxiety, depression or physical problems such as high blood pressure, hypersensitivity, diabetes or excessive alcohol consumption. Increasing serotonin levels can help as it influences appetite, sleep and sexual desire.



Priligy is a groundbreaking oral treatment for premature ejaculation in men aged 18-64 who struggle to naturally control their ejaculation and cannot last longer than two minutes during intercourse. It contains dapoxetine hydrochloride, an active ingredient belonging to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug group. SSRI medications are also used to treat depression, but Priligy acts faster, providing a burst of serotonin to your body.

How It Works  Priligy functions by delaying the ejaculation reflex signal to your brain through the sympathetic nervous system. It influences the amount of serotonin that reaches the brain and controls serotonin breakdown in the body, maintaining higher-than-normal levels to prevent premature ejaculation.

Instructions  Priligy is available in 30mg and 60mg tablet doses, with the lower dose recommended for beginners. Swallow the tablets whole with a full glass of water approximately 1-3 hours before sexual activity, and its effects can last one to two hours post-sex. This medication is designed for "on-demand" use and should not be taken daily. It can be consumed with or without food, but never exceed one tablet within a 24-hour period. Priligy starts to work about an hour after ingestion and can last up to four hours.

Side Effects  Priligy may lead to a drop in blood pressure, potentially causing fainting or loss of consciousness. Ensure you stay adequately hydrated to minimise this risk. Other side effects may include dizziness, headache and nausea.

Alternatives  While Priligy is an effective option, it's not a cure for premature ejaculation. Consider psychological counselling, medical treatments or EMLA local anaesthetic cream to temporarily numb penile sensation if oversensitivity is the cause. Thicker condoms can also help desensitise the penis.

For the best results, use Priligy for at least four weeks or six doses to gauge its effectiveness. Some individuals may experience improvements after the first dose, while others may require several uses before noticing changes.


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Select Gilbride Pharmacy as your preferred destination for exploring premature ejaculation treatment options. Feel free to reach out to us for personalised guidance, or simply drop by at your convenience.