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Welcome to Gilbride Pharmacy's guide to managing acne spots and scarring.


What is Acne?

Acne, a common skin condition, leads to the development of spots or pimples, including blackheads, whiteheads, pus-filled pustules and cysts, primarily on the face, neck, chest and back. This condition often affects individuals during puberty due to hormonal changes. Acne arises from an overproduction of sebum, a natural skin oil that prevents dryness. Excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells, forming plugs that block hair follicles, resulting in blackheads or whiteheads. If these blocked follicles interact with skin bacteria, infections can occur, leading to papules, pustules, nodules or cysts.

Hormonal fluctuations, common in teenagers, are a typical acne trigger. Other factors, such as menstruation, pregnancy and stress, can also influence hormone levels and exacerbate acne. Additionally, genetics play a role, so if your parents had acne, you may be more prone to it.

It's important to note that acne is not caused by diet, hygiene or sexual activity.



Acne treatment encompasses both prescription and non-prescription products or procedures designed to manage its symptoms. Treatment approaches vary depending on the severity of the condition.

For mild symptoms, over-the-counter skincare products may suffice, while more severe cases may require prescription treatment. In cases of scarring resulting from acne, cosmetic procedures or laser treatments may be necessary.

Acne spot treatments typically fall into four categories:

  • Topical Skincare Products: These contain low doses of acne medication.
  • Over-the-Counter Topical Treatments: Available with stronger doses of acne medication.
  • Prescription-Strength Topical Treatments: Require a doctor's prescription.
  • Prescription Tablets: Also prescribed by a doctor.

Additional treatments include comedone extractors, chemical peels and light therapy. Many acne spot treatments are available at your local Gilbride Pharmacy, some without a prescription.

Commonly used treatments include:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide: An antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent available over-the-counter in products like Acnecide 5%.
  • Nicotinamide: A form of vitamin B3 with anti-inflammatory properties, found in products like Freederm.
  • Azelaic Acid: A topical treatment similar to benzoyl peroxide, available as a prescription treatment.
  • Topical Retinoids: Derived from vitamin A, available both with and without a prescription.
  • Topical Antibiotics: Usually available in gel or cream form with a short treatment duration.
  • Antibiotic Tablets: Prescribed for severe cases and used alongside topical treatments.
  • Combined Contraceptive Pills: Recommended for women experiencing acne symptoms, as they can help reduce symptoms.
  • Isotretinoin Capsules: A prescription-only treatment for severe acne, requiring close medical supervision.

There is no one-size-fits-all acne treatment, as it varies in strength and side effects. Starting with gentle over-the-counter products and seeking advice from a healthcare professional is the best approach.



Moderate to severe acne can lead to scarring, especially with nodules and cysts. Acne scars can be treated with skincare products like bio oil, but more severe scarring may require medical intervention, including dermabrasion, laser treatment or surgery. These treatments are typically not available on the NHS unless the scarring causes significant distress.

While it may be challenging to avoid scarring in severe acne cases, some measures can help minimise the risk:

  • Avoid squeezing or picking at your spots.
  • Use acne spot treatments as directed by your healthcare provider.
  • Cleanse your face twice daily with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water.
  • Avoid scrubbing your skin too vigorously.
  • Opt for non-comedogenic makeup to prevent skin clogging.


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