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What is Hives?

Hives, also known as urticaria, is a common skin condition that can be triggered by various factors, including allergies, environmental irritants and even stress, though it may also result from underlying health issues. Hives manifests as itchy, raised welts on the skin. They can appear in different colours depending on your skin tone. They may come and go over time and can be localised or spread across the body. If you experience hives around your throat, tongue or have difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention.



Hives is typically the body's response to allergens, prompting the release of histamines. These histamines can lead to itching and welts. Common allergens include pollen, medications, food, animal dander and insect bites. Stress, tight clothing, exercise, illnesses or infections can also induce hives, making its exact cause sometimes challenging to pinpoint.



Hives can be categorised into various types, including:

  • Allergic Reactions: The most common cause, triggered by allergens like foods, pet dander, pollen, medications, insect bites or stings.
  • Anaphylaxis: A severe, life-threatening allergic reaction often accompanied by hives, breathing difficulties, nausea, swelling and dizziness.
  • Chronic Hives: Ongoing cases that may not have an identifiable cause and can last for weeks, months or even years.
  • Dermatographism: Mild hives caused by skin pressure or scratching, which usually resolves on its own.
  • Temperature-Induced Hives: Changes in temperature can induce hives in sensitive individuals, such as cold-induced hives from exposure to cold water or exercise-induced hives.
  • Infection-Induced Hives: Viral and bacterial infections, like urinary tract infections or colds, can lead to hives.



Treatment begins with proper diagnosis. Doctors can determine hives through physical examinations and, if necessary, blood or skin tests. Treatment may include antihistamines, avoiding triggers and taking cool baths with oatmeal or baking soda. In cases of anaphylaxis, seek immediate medical help.



Lifestyle adjustments can help prevent hives recurrence. Avoiding known allergens and considering allergy shots if applicable are key strategies. Also, stay mindful of environmental factors like humidity and clothing choices.



Here are some common questions about hives:

  • Is Hives Contagious?  No, hives cannot be transmitted from person to person.
  • Does Hives Indicate an Allergy?  Hives can result from allergies, infections, stress or other causes. Persistent hives should prompt allergy testing.
  • How Long Does Hives Last?  Hives can persist for hours, days or even months. Seek medical advice if it doesn't resolve.
  • Any Home Remedies?  Antihistamines, cool baths and avoiding irritants are home remedies to alleviate hives.


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