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Discussing thrush at a pharmacy can sometimes be uncomfortable. That's why, at Gilbride Pharmacy, we've created an informative guide to assist you in finding the appropriate treatment. If you prefer a private consultation in one of our dedicated rooms, don't hesitate to request it. We're here to provide the support you need.



For Women: Early signs of thrush in women include thick white discharge, vaginal itching and discomfort during sex or urination. These symptoms may resemble those of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you've had recent unprotected sex, consider visiting your local sexual health clinic or GP for a check-up. A healthcare professional can diagnose thrush through an examination or testing.

For Men: Men may experience white discharge, an unpleasant odour and irritation around the penis's head. If you notice these symptoms, it's essential to seek medical advice.

Mild yeast infections and their symptoms may resolve on their own in 3-7 days. If symptoms persist for 7-14 days, seek medical treatment from your GP, pharmacist or a nurse at your local sexual health clinic for tailored advice.


At-Home Testing

If you prefer to test for thrush at home or recognise the symptoms from a previous infection, you can purchase thrush tests over the counter at Gilbride Pharmacy. These tests can diagnose common vaginal infections and offer clear, immediate results based on your symptoms.

One such test is the Canestest from Canesten, which involves swabbing the inside of your vagina. The resulting colour change will indicate the type of vaginal infection, helping you choose the most appropriate treatment option, whether from your GP, pharmacist or over-the-counter remedies.



If you suspect thrush, you can perform a thrush test in the comfort of your home. The treatment options you select will depend on your test results and the severity of your symptoms. Home treatments include:

  • Creams: Apply to affected areas to alleviate vaginal itching and soreness.
  • Pessaries: Inserted into the vagina to clear the infection's cause.
  • Tablets: Taken orally to combat the thrush infection.

Ensure you carefully read the patient information leaflet included in the treatment packaging and be aware of any potential side effects. Don't hesitate to consult with our knowledgeable pharmacists or your GP for further guidance on thrush treatment.


When to Visit Your GP

Visit your GP or pharmacist if:

  • You're pregnant
  • You're under 16 or over 60 years old
  • You have thrush for the first time, as a diagnosis is necessary
  • Your symptoms are severe, including sores
  • Thrush recurs (more than twice in 6 months)
  • Symptoms do not improve after treatment
  • You have an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes



Take precautions to reduce your risk of thrush:

  • Choose showers over baths
  • Opt for cotton underwear
  • Thoroughly dry your genitals after washing
  • Avoid using perfumed soaps or deodorants in the genital area
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid tights
  • Abstain from sexual intercourse until your thrush clears



If you or your partner exhibit thrush symptoms, including soreness and discomfort, it's best to abstain from sexual activity until the infection has cleared and treatment has been completed. Some thrush treatments can weaken condoms, potentially reducing their effectiveness. While thrush is not an STI, it can be transmitted during sex, particularly if your partner has a weakened immune system or is prone to thrush.



Yeast infections, including thrush, can occur when the body's balance is disrupted due to factors such as hormonal changes, illness or stress. A weakened immune system can make you more susceptible to infections and other health issues.


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