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Experience the discomfort of jet lag no more! Gilbride Pharmacy understands that adjusting to a new time zone can be challenging. Jet lag can leave you feeling exhausted, restless, nauseous and dizzy. Don't let it ruin the beginning of your vacation. We're here to share strategies that can help ease your symptoms.


Tips for Beating Jet Lag

  1. Move Around on the Plane: When embarking on a long-haul flight, sleep is key. However, plane seats can be far from comfortable. If you find yourself unable to sleep, take advantage of this time to get up and stretch. Frequent movement and simple stretches can keep you mentally and physically active, promote blood circulation and improve your sleep quality later on.

  2. Embrace Natural Light: Natural light plays a crucial role in regulating your circadian rhythm. Studies reveal that exposure to natural light, like a shower in sunlight, triggers the release of serotonin - the energy-providing hormone. After reaching your destination, take a short walk in the sunlight before bedtime to help your body adapt to the new time zone.

  3. Consider Your Flight Direction: Jet lag's impact can vary depending on your travel direction. Travelling eastward can worsen jet lag because it shortens your day, making it harder for your body to adjust. If you're heading east, pay extra attention to your sleep habits.

  4. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration shares symptoms with jet lag, including fatigue, nausea, headaches and dizziness. Combatting both issues is essential. Regularly drink cold water to keep symptoms at bay and boost alertness. Frequent bathroom visits will also keep you active during your flight.

  5. Beware of Alcohol: Contrary to popular belief, consuming alcohol during a long-haul flight won't help with jet lag. While it might help you fall asleep faster, it lowers sleep quality, leaving you tired, irritable and more prone to dehydration and its unwanted symptoms.

  6. Use Caffeine Wisely: Coffee can be your ally against jet lag, but timing matters. If you're travelling west, a well-timed cup of coffee can provide an energy boost to help you stay awake longer. However, if you've lost time traveling east, avoid caffeine as you should be preparing your body for sleep.



At Gilbride Pharmacy, we offer prescription-only medications containing melatonin, a natural hormone in your body that can help alleviate jet lag symptoms. If you're crossing more than three time zones, consult our pharmacists for assistance.


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Choose Gilbride Pharmacy as your preferred destination. To learn more about this service, contact your local branch via their dedicated page or simply visit us at your convenience. Our team is here to support your journey and ensure a smoother transition into your new time zone.