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Each year in the UK, around 1,500 cases of meningococcal disease are reported, making it the most prevalent cause of bacterial meningitis.


What is Meningitis B?

Meningococcal meningitis stems from bacteria that can easily spread through coughing, sneezing and close contact like kissing. If these bacteria enter the bloodstream, they rapidly multiply and release toxins that can harm various parts of the body.

These toxins damage blood vessels, hindering the essential oxygen flow to all organs. Moreover, damage to the brain's lining can lead to cerebrospinal fluid infection, resulting in inflammation, pressure around the brain and potential nerve damage.



Bacterial meningitis can be effectively treated with antibiotics or vaccination. Please note that the meningitis B vaccine doesn't provide protection against types A, C, W and Y. However, we also offer a separate vaccination for these strains.

Course  The vaccination regimen typically includes two to three doses, depending on your age.

Administration  The meningitis B vaccine is administered via injection.

Boosters  Children over two and adults typically don't require boosters. However, young children under two may need one or two booster shots.

Side Effects  Common side effects include fever, digestive issues and redness and swelling at the injection site.

Children  Children can receive this vaccination starting at two months of age.

Cost  The vaccination costs £105 per dose and is available without the need for an appointment. We also offer the meningitis ACWY vaccination for £50.

It's crucial to seek prompt medical attention to prevent potential irreversible brain damage and severe symptoms. If you suspect meningitis symptoms in yourself or someone you know, head to your nearest hospital immediately.


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