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Are you experiencing the discomfort of back pain? It's a prevalent issue that can often resolve on its own within a few weeks or months. At Gilbride Pharmacy, we understand that pain in the lower back, also known as lumbago, can affect various areas along your spine, from your neck down to your hips. In most instances, this discomfort is not indicative of a serious medical concern and tends to improve over time. However, persistent or recurring back pain can be a challenge.


How to Relieve Back Pain

You can take proactive steps to alleviate back pain and expedite your recovery. Here are some valuable tips:

  1. Stay Active: Maintaining your daily activities is crucial, as prolonged rest can exacerbate the pain.

  2. Exercise and Stretches: Incorporate exercises and stretches designed for back pain relief. Activities such as walking, swimming, yoga and pilates can also be beneficial.

  3. Anti-Inflammatory Painkillers: Consider using anti-inflammatory painkillers to manage your discomfort.

  4. Hot or Cold Compression Packs: Employ hot or cold compression packs for short-term relief.

At Gilbride Pharmacy, we offer a range of products, including naproxen, following a brief consultation with our pharmacist - no prescription required.


Naproxen - A Powerful Solution

Naproxen is a potent anti-inflammatory painkiller. It effectively alleviates muscular and joint pain, especially in cases where inflammation is involved.

What is Naproxen?  Naproxen is used to treat pain and swelling stemming from various conditions, including:

  • Arthritis and joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Intense headaches
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Gout
  • Period pain and menstrual cramps

How to Take It  For naproxen 500mg tablets, it's advisable to take them twice daily, with a gap of at least six to eight hours between doses. Generally, it's recommended to take them with your breakfast and evening meal. For acute injuries such as sprains or strains, a regular regimen is often more effective. Always ensure you take naproxen with or after food to minimise potential side effects.

Side Effects  Like all anti-inflammatory medications, naproxen can induce side effects, which may include:

  • Gastric discomfort, including upset stomach, heartburn, stomach pain, constipation or diarrhoea as well as bloating and gas
  • Dizziness and headache
  • Blurred vision or ringing in the ears
  • Skin itching and rash

Taking naproxen with or after food can reduce the likelihood of some of these side effects.


Visit Us

Select your preferred Gilbride Pharmacy branch to visit their page and inquire about this service or simply walk in when it suits your schedule. We are committed to protecting your health and well-being.