Book this service now: at your local Gilbrides pharmacy

Take a deeper dive into your health with our Silver package. This includes Full Blood Count, Kidney Health, Cholesterol Check, Liver Function, Diabetes Screening, Bone Health, Iron, Ferritin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D levels.

  • FULL BLOOD COUNT (FBC) Checks different blood cell types to spot anemia, infections, and blood disorders.
  • LIVER FUNCTION TEST (LFT) Measures liver enzymes to check how well your liver is working.
  • HEART HEALTH PROFILE Looks at cholesterol and fats in your blood to assess heart disease risk.
  • BONE HEALTH Measures bone strength indicators.
  • DIABETES SCREENING Measures blood sugar levels and diabetes indicators.
  • KIDNEY FUNCTION PANEL Shows how well your kidneys are filtering waste and maintaining minerals.
  • IRON STUDIES Checks iron levels and how well your body stores and uses iron.
  • VITAMIN STATUS Measures essential vitamins needed for healthy nerves, bones, and blood cells.