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Seeking guidance on quitting smoking? At Gilbride Pharmacy, we understand the challenges of breaking the smoking habit. We provide expert advice, support and a range of products, both in-store and online, to assist you in achieving your smoke-free goals. Let us be your partner in the journey to quit smoking for good.


Why Quit Smoking?

Smoking poses severe health risks, accounting for 10,000 deaths in Scotland annually. Affected areas include blood circulation, leading to heart-related issues, and the lungs, contributing to ailments such as pneumonia and lung cancer. Smoking is linked to various cancers, including those of the lips, tongue, oesophagus, stomach and kidney. Unexpected impacts include erectile dysfunction, reduced fertility, weakened bones, premature ageing, stained teeth, gum disease, tooth loss and impaired taste and breath.


Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Quitting smoking may require more than just self-control, and that's okay. Gilbride Pharmacy offers various nicotine products tailored to your lifestyle, along with support from Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). While not entirely risk-free, NRT is an effective way to manage cravings and support your journey to overcome addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms, such as bad moods, irritability and difficulty concentrating, are common when you stop smoking. Our range of products includes nicotine patches, sprays, lozenges, gum, inhalator devices, liquids and vapes. Utilise apps for personalised support and timelines to inspire and achieve your goals. For one-to-one support, visit Gilbride Pharmacy and consult with our knowledgeable team for guidance on quitting smoking and selecting the best nicotine replacement products, including trusted brands like Nicorette and NiQuitin. Confidential discussions can take place in our private consultation rooms.



Stopping smoking brings immediate health improvements. Within eight hours, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood decrease by over half, and oxygen levels return to normal. After two days, your body is free of harmful carbon monoxide and nicotine.

Other benefits of quitting smoking include:

  • Saving money: Quitting can lead to significant financial savings, which could be redirected toward holidays, a new car or a house deposit.
  • Improved fitness and breathing.
  • Enhanced enjoyment of food and drink with a return of taste sensation.
  • Improved skin appearance and dental hygiene.
  • Enhanced fertility and healthier pregnancy chances.
  • Improved family health by eliminating exposure to second-hand smoke.


Visit Us

Select your preferred Gilbride Pharmacy branch to visit their page and inquire about this service or simply walk in when it suits your schedule. We are committed to protecting your health and well-being.