Yellow fever

Yellow fever
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Yellow fever is a severe viral illness transmitted primarily through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

While most yellow fever cases are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa, this disease also poses a risk in various South and Central American countries and some Caribbean islands. These mosquitoes thrive in both jungle and urban settings, making it crucial to understand the risks associated with travel to affected regions.


Countries at Risk

Yellow fever primarily affects African countries located south of the Sahara Desert and tropical regions in South and Central America. To protect public health, most of these nations require travellers to provide proof of yellow fever vaccination in the form of an International Certificate of Vaccination. Failure to produce this certificate can result in quarantine, immunisation or denial of entry.


Travel Precautions

Your risk of contracting yellow fever depends on factors like your travel destination, the intensity of yellow fever transmission, season of travel, duration of your stay and activities that expose you to mosquitoes.



Currently, there is no specific treatment for yellow fever, making vaccination a crucial preventive measure. Before embarking on a journey to a yellow fever-prone area, it is recommended that travellers receive a single dose injection of Stamaril, a yellow fever vaccine containing a live, weakened form of the virus. Stamaril stimulates the body's immune response without causing the disease.


Signs and Symptoms

The initial phase of yellow fever presents symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, headaches, chills, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Most patients experience improvement after 3-4 days. However, a subset of patients may progress to a more severe phase involving jaundice, hemorrhagic fever and kidney function deterioration. Unfortunately, approximately 50% of those developing severe symptoms may succumb to the illness within 7-10 days of onset.


Vaccination Certification

To ensure global health security, the World Health Organisation (WHO) mandates travellers to yellow fever-affected countries to carry an international certificate of vaccination as proof of immunisation against the virus.


Visit Us

As an official designated yellow fever centre, Gilbride Pharmacy offers yellow fever vaccinations and expert guidance on ensuring your safety during travel. Contact your preferred Gilbride Pharmacy branch to learn more or visit us at your convenience.